Nigeria content

One of the objectives of Divcon Upstream Co. Ltd., is to help achieve this objective through utilization of the human material and financial resources of corporate entities and bodies within Nigeria.

Divcon Upstream CO. Ltd., is 100% (One hundred percent) Nigerian Company with some directors and staff having direct links with oil producing states of Nigeria.

The company recruitment policy seeks to involve locals from project areas through oil producing states to other states in Nigeria. It is only when none of the available spaces for specialist projects can be filled by Nigerians that expatriates from international partner companies are recruited.

The company sub-contracting policy follows exactly the same pattern. If an expatriate sub-contractor or specialist contractor is used, Divcon endeavors to involve any Nigerian Company (with recourse to client) with technically qualified personnel, for field execution with potentials to execute that job as local supervisors, so as to understudy the foreign company partner with view to developing local capacity for similar services in future.